EID Reading Tools for Livestock

7 June 2017  |  Beth

Livestock scales and EID reading tools have changed dramatically over the last decade.  The technology allows these tools to be far greater than a weighing system.  With the correct integrated EID readers and software, you can now quickly capture and record, review and edit information while out with the animals.  This includes not only their weight, but any medication, movement, births, grazing time or other information you wish to include.  The ability to capture data within 5 seconds as opposed to 10 seconds may not seem like much, but with a head of 1000 cattle, this would save 3 nearly hours in just one day.   All you do is wave the wand over the HDX or FDX-B electronic ear tags and it will vibrate and beep to let you know it has successfully scanned the animal. To edit or input any information manually, there is a large screen attached to the wand.

Not only will you save time, but you can process the information while out with the animals, saving or eliminating time spent in the office at the end of the day.  Integrated EID systems help you plan and manage your livestock, to quickly produce accurate paperwork and to fulfill any statutory requirements.

There are a variety of options available. It is important to ensure your EID reader is compatible with your tags and your scales.  It is not usually necessary to have all the same brand.

Ritchey (Tru-Test) and Gallagher have arguable the best EID Readers and Scales in the market.  They are robust, ergonomically designed and easy to use.  Prices start at around £500 for the EID reader, but you'll also want the ear-tags and the weighing system.  

Traditionally, these systems were used for cattle and sheep.  However, they are now being used for any number of animals and have proved to help farmers better manage feed, recognise weight variations, identify breeding patterns, improve weighing and dosage accuracy and generally save time while increasing profitability.

If you have any questions about EID systems, please don't hesitate to give us a call: 01323 406212

Gallagher EID Reader:


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