Best Cattle Shears and Clippers 2022

27 April 2022  |  Admin

Best Cattle Clippers and Shears 2022


Shearing is all too often all about the sheep...but cattle clipping is just as important.  Cattle clippers can be run from a shearing machine that connects to the mains or a generator, directly from the mains or from batteries.  It is safest to use the machines or a cordless shear, rather than those that directly plug into the mains.  The shearing machines have more power, but they are more expensive to set-up.


Cordless Clippers - for smaller jobs:

Heiniger Xplorer: This is truly cordless.  It's great to use and can double up for horse clipping too.  make sure you use the Coarse blades for cattle.

Heiniger S12 Volt Shear:  This runs from a 12 volt battery (not included).  It's a shear, so can be used for sheep and cattle.


Clippers and Shears that plug into the Mains:

Heiniger Xperience:  This is again a 'clipper' that can double has a horse clipper.  It plugs into the mains.

Heiniger Xtra 230 Watt:  This is a shear that runs from the mains and can be used for sheep and cattle.

Lister Fusion Shear: This is a shear that runs from the mains and can be used for sheep and cattle.

Lister Fusion Clipper:  This is a clipper that runs from the mains and can be used for horses too.  


Full Shear Set-Up:






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